Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Brittany Branch

We all try to do right by ours kids and provide them with a way of life that they get used to and want to maintain. We let them live with us, feed and clothe them. We get them all the newest and greatest toys and games. We make sure they have transportation and hope they have friends. And one day it happens. They are grown and they do want to continue with the way of life they have become accustomed to. The problem is they still need us to provide it.

This became very apparent when we cut a dead branch out of a tree in the yard. Turns out it had been supporting a branch from a different tree. Without the support of the missing branch it sagged to the ground. I called it the Brittany Branch. Like my daughter it had been supported for so long it did not know how to stand alone. 

I pointed this out to her. And advised her we would lift the branch and support it with some twine. It would have support but it won't be the same as before. It would grow strong and would eventually be able to support itself. As did her support, we would provide the necessities and she would have to entertain herself. She was a bit put off at first.  But, it seemed to make sense to her and she got a job, saved some money and decided she and her boyfriend should move into an apartment not too far away. Lesson learned and the branch was forgotten. 

Through that Summer, Winter and Spring, she was out on her own and the support was different. She learned what shopping @ Mom's meant. I wonder if she knew I kept her favorite things in the pantry and freezer in case she needed them. We found second hand furniture and items she could use in her home.  When her boyfriend was between jobs, we helped with the rent.

When Summer began again it became apparent that the relationship would not last and she needed to come home. We packed up her things and brought her back to our place. We packed the basement and the garage until it was she ready for it to accommodate the next step in her life.

As I stood out on the deck that Fall I spotted something that looked out of place. There were leaves in a former bare space, it didn't make sense. So I walked down the steps while listening to the sounds of my daughter's laughter and found an old friend. The Brittany Branch was sagging to the ground again. 

It was meant to be. Her return and it's fall. But, we are all good now. We bought stronger twine.


Friday, May 31, 2013


Green has never been one of my favorite colors. I mean I only like a few green things, money, grass, trees, fatigues, etc. But, until today, I never knew why.

When I was in high school in IL, my boyfriend had this AWESOME lime green Camaro with white pinstripes. He was a freshman in college. Bob Nelson, tall blond and handsome. I was in love. I don't remember how long we dated. But I do remember when we broke up. The next day I skipped school and hitchhiked (not a wise decision) to my friend's house.

The car that pulled over to pick me up was a  lime green Camaro with white pinstripes. As I got in the car, I told the driver that my boyfriend had the same car. Then I looked at the driver. It was Bob! He was surprised that I did realize it was him. Don't ask me, maybe I blanked out for a second when he pulled over. I swear I did not know it was his car. I asked him what I had done and he told me that he had proposed to his high school sweetheart.

I cried for a week, then went on with my life. The day I got my driver's license, I totalled my mom's car. The car I hit spun around and up into the yard hitting two others. I may have been speeding. When the police got there, they noticed one of us had sheared off a "No Parking" sign. My unintentional target had been illegally parked and had it not been there, I would not have hit it. I didn't even get a ticket.

The following summer I was working at McDonald's and who should walk in? It was Bob... He was no longer married and did I want to go out for old times sake. I said sure and agreed to meet him after work. I thought it was fate that brought us back together.

When he picked me up, he was driving this yellow, rusty. P.O.S  The ugliest car I have ever seen. Turns out, while he was "cheating" on his girlfriend with me, she was cheating on him with someone else. Then he told me what happened to the car. He couldn't keep up with the payments after his new wife wiped out his bank account.

It seems she bought a car for her boyfriend. The boyfriend had been playing football at a buddy's house when his car was stuck. He was parked in a "No Parking" zone, his car was totalled. I laughed so hard, I wet myself and had him take me home. It was fate! I needed the closure.

Today, I am driving down the highway and I see a NEW lime green Retro Camaro. It was GORGEOUS!

Oh yeah, I am SO over the Green thing!!



The Irony of Chronicles

Hello Readers (note the optimism),

I came up with this name for the Blog years ago when I was thinking of writing a book... like that would ever happen. Then today, I looked up the definition of Chronicles (Angst, I got). It said " a chronological record of events; a history." 

Huh, Chronological?  "Arranged in the order of time: a chronological list of events."  Yeah, that's also not going to happen! But, the name stays. However, the blogs will be randomly placed; based on my memories... which are also, random. And mixed in will be things I think of, in the moment... chronologically.

So we will begin with today and traipse through the rest! I hope it brings enjoyment. But, then again, I am doing this for me. You just get to come along.

